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Teaching Materials

Students from Hamburg have produced a wide variety of video clips on Jewish history, culture and the present in their city. These include films about well-known people or unknown stumbling stone biographies, about Jewish dietary laws or the comparison of different houses of worship, about Jewish cemeteries or current encounter projects.

In order to be able to use these videos outside of the project weeks, we provide a didactic guide as well as worksheets for various video contributions. They are intended to support teachers in integrating the films into their lessons and, at the same time, to encourage them to use other video clips in their teaching. So far the worksheets are in German only.



At Geschichtomat, young people not only deal with historical topics. Jewish religion also plays an important role. Students explore holidays, rites and traditions. A number of videos have already been created on a wide variety of religious topics: What is the significance of the Torah? What do people celebrate on Yom Kippur? What are the traditions of Passover? And what is actually "kosher"? Students have created explanatory videos on these topics, including visits to the synagogue and interviews with members of the Jewish congregation.

German Empire and First World War

What would the German Empire and Hamburg in particular be without the Warburgs, Heinrich Hertz or Albert Ballin? Numerous Jewish personalities shaped this era and the history of the Hanseatic city. But other developments also began during these times. Towards the end of the 19th century, Zionism appeared, Jewish sports clubs or the Jewish lodge system were founded. Traces can still be found in Hamburg today, such as the former Henry Jones Lodge at Hartungstraße.

National Socialism and the Holocaust

The majority of the videos created deal with the period from 1933 to 1945 and report on the exclusion, persecution and ultimately, in many cases, the murder of the Jewish population. Numerous stumbling stone biographies have now been recorded in videos by young people. But monuments, memorials and places of persecution have also been visited and researched. In addition, there are a number of explanatory videos on specific topics of the National Socialist era, such as the November pogrom, the so-called Aryanization, "Jewish houses" or the numerous anti-Jewish measures and laws. These contributions provide an insight into general Nazi history and explain what is hidden behind some frequently heard terms.
Stolpersteine in Hamburg

After 1945

One goal of the Geschichtomat project is to show the diversity of Jewish history and culture and to draw attention to the fact that Jewish life in Germany did not disappear with National Socialism and the Holocaust. Numerous places of Jewish life can be found in Hamburg. So far, participating young people have, for example, visited the Jewish school at Grindelviertel or been to the Salomo-Birnbaum Library. A wealth of literature in and about Yiddish can be found there.


During project weeks, students have the opportunity to speak with contemporary witnesses and their descendants. They talk about their lives in Hamburg before and during National Socialism, about persecution and exclusion, and about experiences of flight. The witnesses also talk about friendships, everyday school life and their hobbies and passions. All interviews are between 5 and 15 minutes long.


In order to be able to use the Geschichtomat videos outside of project weeks, we provide a didactic guide and worksheets for various videos. They are intended to support teachers in integrating the videos into their lessons and at the same time to provide inspiration for using other video clips for lesson planning. There is a wide variety of publications and online offerings with information on Jewish history and culture. But which websites, books or brochures are suitable for the preparation and implementation of project weeks on Jewish history and culture in Hamburg? We have compiled a list of websites, teaching materials and further literature that we can recommend for working with students to prepare and follow up on project weeks with Geschichtomat or your own project ideas on Jewish Hamburg.

Tutorial: How to make a film?

Have you always wanted to produce your own film with your students or record the results of projects on film? No problem! We'll show you how. The following five videos contain step-by-step explanations: What is a script and why is it so important? What equipment do I need? How do I edit and which editing programs are useful? We also offer lots of tips and tricks for successful filming.

Turtorial 1: Das Drehbuch

Tutorial 2: Filmen

Tutorial 3: Das Interview

Tutorial 4: Die Bebilderung

Tutorial 5: Der Schnitt