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Classes Wanted: Discover the Jewish Cemetery in Altona!

Tage des Exils, 25.-27. April 2023

The over 400-year-old Jewish cemetery on Königstraße impressively illustrates Hamburg's eventful Jewish history. Spanish and Portuguese Jews who were driven into exile as well as German-speaking Jews from Hamburg and Altona rest here. Numerous stories, traditions and rituals can be discovered on the basis of the gravestones.

From April 25 to 27, school classes can visit and explore this site free of charge in the morning. After a guided tour of the cemetery and an initial introduction, the young people can do their own research. There are a variety of biographies, grave decorations and burial rituals to discover. The results of the research can be recorded in different ways: Posters and craft materials are available, photos can be printed, and stop motion films can be created. The contributions will be published on the Geschichtomat project website as well as the associated social media channels.

The students are supported by the Geschichtomat team (Institute for the History of German Jews and jaf - Verein für medienpädagogische Praxis e.V).

The offer takes place within the framework of the Days of Exile and is carried out in cooperation with the Foundation for the Preservation of Historical Monuments.



Tuesday till Thursday, 25th - 27th April
9:00 - 12:30
Participation free of charge
All students starting at 6th grade can participate
Please register at