Project Week at Ida Ehre Schule
Geschichtomat was a guest at the Ida Ehre Schule in Eimsbüttel for the first time in September. An 8th grade class took part in the project and, among other things, also dealt with their own school history:
- The name of the school naturally had to be a topic during the project week: Ida Ehre. Hansjürgen Menzel-Prachner from the Ida Ehre Kulturverein e.V. supported the young people in their research.
- The school itself has worked through its history under National Socialism and recorded it in an internal school museum. A second group took a look at this.
- The Grindelviertel, located near the school, offered reason for a visit. A group of students visited the Vereinigte Alte und Neue Klaus at Rutschbahn, a former synagogue with a teaching house. They captured the history of this institution in their film.
- The Institute for the History of German Jews (IGdJ) was also the focus of a film. In the foyer there is a newly designed exhibition on the film "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick" by Gyula Trebitsch and Walter Koppel. The young people were assisted in their research by Jana Matthies, a research assistant at Forschungsstelle für Zeitgeschichte.
- The last group visited the museum of the FC St. Pauli and the exhibition there "Max Kulik: a Jewish sportsman and doctor from St. Pauli". Christopher Radke, curator, guided the students through the exhibition.
We would like to thank all of our interviewpartners for their support.
As always you can find the videos here.