Project Week at Heinrich-Hertz-Schule
From January 20-24, 2025, a 7th grade class of 26 students from the Heinrich-Hertz-Schule in Winterhude took part in a Geschichtomat project week. 5 groups dealt with very different topics on Hamburg's Jewish history and present:
- One group presented the graphic novel “Zeter + Mordio - Frei nach den Memoiren der Glückl von Hameln” in their film and made an interview with the author and illustrator Jens Cornils.
- A second group dealt with Stumbling Stones in Hamburg and the initiative behind the organization of their laying in Hamburg. Maria Koser, a long-standing participant in the Stolperstein project, was available for an interview.
- A third group dealt with the life of Herta Feiner-Asmus, who lived in Winterhude and taught at the Meerweinstraße school, where today the Güterwagen memorial commemorates her and a colleague.
- The animated film by a fourth group is about Jewish symbols - the kippa or Star of David - their meanings, but also about what it means for Jews today to wear them openly.
- The fifth group's film is also about current Jewish life: they met with two members of the cultural association Mit2Wo e.V. and present previous events, goals and wishes of this still young Hamburg association.
We would like to thank all our interview partners. As always, you can find all the films here.