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Project Week at Goethe Schule in Harburg

5 new Videos

The year started with a visit to the Goethe School in Harburg. This was the 8th time we had the pleasure of being guests there. This February, a year 10 class took part and produced five videos:

  • The first two groups dealt with the biographies of Dr. Katharina Leipelt and her son Hans Konrad Leipelt. Both were active in the resistance and the White Rose. Contemporary historian Angela Bottin supported the students in their work.
  • Harburg had its own Jewish community until the end of National Socialism. Accordingly, there were and are many places that are connected to the Jewish history of the once independent town. In a tour, the students show some of the most exciting places.
  • This year, Tu biSchevat, a small and happy Jewish holiday, was celebrated at the end of January. But very few people know about it. In a video, students explain what the New Year festival of trees is all about.
  • Judaism also plays a major role in the last video. What actually is a synagogue? Using the example of the former Harburg synagogue, the young people explain this special place.

We would like to thank Ms. Angela Bottin for her support!

As always, you can find all the videos here. We hope you enjoy watching them!