New Newsletter
Dear friends and partners,
the second half of the year started with two new project weeks at schools, both participating in the project for the first time. Just before the summer vacations, students from the Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasium in Heimfeld took part in Geschichtomat and researched two new contributions. In September, the Ida-Ehre-Schule in Eimsbüttel followed suit. An 8th grade class expanded the digital city map with five additional videos.
At this point, we would like to point out another event in November: As part of the Jewish Culture Days, there will be free screenings of the film "Mazel Tov Cocktail" for school classes on November 8 and 9. You can find more information in this newsletter.
We hope you enjoy reading it!
Carmen Bisotti and the Geschichtomat team
You can find the full newsletter here.