From Head to Toe

Religious Clothing in Judaism


This film is about the religious clothing of the Jews. We explain the use of the different items. Jews wear the kippah (head covering) to show that God is above all actions and to show that you are aware of your own limitations. The tallit is a square garment. Shoelaces are attached in each corner, and one wears it for morning prayers. There is also a tallit katan. In our video we show you the following garments: Kippa (A garment that many men wear), Tallit (A garment that one wears for morning prayer), Tefflin (This garment is also worn for morning prayer), and also explain them.

Lina, Zwaantje, Mirja, Samir, Philip 
Class 7F, Heinrich-Hertz-Schule


Grasweg 72-76
22303 Hamburg



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