Paul Abraham

Persecuted Musician after 1933


Paul Abraham was born on November 2, 1892 in Apatin (Hungary) and died on May 6, 1960 in Hamburg. He was an initially successful Jewish composer and conductor until he had to leave Germany in 1933 due to the Nazi rise to power. Abraham first fled to Hungary, which he later left without his wife. Via Paris, Casablanca and Havana he finally came to New York. Success did not come. He fell ill with syphilis and was brought back to Germany in 1956, where he had to spend a long time in a hospital in Eppendorf in the psychiatric ward. He no longer recognized his wife due to the illness and believed until the end that he was still in New York.

Albin, Susann, Valerie, Tom and Lisa.

12 P1, STS Oldenfelde.


22145 Hamburg



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