
The eyewitness Claus Günther


On the night of November 10, 1938, Jewish stores and synagogues were destroyed all over Germany. In Harburg, things remained quiet that night, as contemporary witness Claus Günther recounts. It was not until the evening of November 10 that riots broke out here as well. Even a hearse was set on fire at the Jewish cemetery on Schwarzenberg.

We also asked Claus Günther about an unpleasant encounter for him with the father of the Schloss family. "Never again dictatorship, never again NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party), never again war!" said Claus Günther.

Enise, Zoé, Aleyna, Nele, Sina
Class 10mu, Goethe-Schule-Harburg


Stumbling Stones Schloss Family
Kroosweg 1
21073 Hamburg



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