Rabbis during World War I

Bruno Italiener and Jacob Sonderling


In our short video, we as a group looked at the topic of field rabbis in World War I. Based on our topic, we focused on two Hamburg rabbis who served as field rabbis for German armies during the First World War: Bruno Italiener and Jacob Sonderling.
In the course of our research, we sat down with Dr. Björn Siegel, who works at the Institute for the History of German Jews in Hamburg (IGdJ), who accompanied and supported us in our project, as he was intensively involved with the biography of Jacob Sonderling and the topic of "field rabbis". In order to inform ourselves about Rabbi Bruno Italiener, we also used historical and current sources and met with PD Dr. Andreas Brämer, the deputy director of the IGdJ, for an interview, which we recorded on camera in order to include his statements as expert testimony in our video.

Sabine, Yanki, Michelle and Antonio
12. Class, Joseph-Carlebach-Schule


Institute for the History of the German Jews
Beim Schlump 83
20144 Hamburg



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