Dr. Eugen Fraenkel



Today's Fraenkelstraße was named after the German physician Dr. Eugen Fraenkel (1853-1925).

Eugen Fraenkel was a pathologist and bacteriologist at St. George Hospital and Eppendorf Hospital. He was active at the UKE from 1879 - 1924. Already in 1904 he received the title of professor from the Hamburg Senate. He also discovered the gas gangrene bacillus and detected the cholera pathogen. During the Nazi era, Fraenkelsweg was renamed because its namesake was of Jewish descent.

From 1938 to 1945, Fraenkelsweg was called Schaudinnstwiete, after Dr. Fritz Schaudinn (1871-1906). Today's Fraenkelschule was also called Schaudinnsschule. The school was founded in 1931. In 1945, instead of Schaudinnstwiete, Schaudinnsweg was renamed Fraenkelstraße (not Fraenkelsweg), Schaudinnstwiete still exists.

But in the "Third Reich" not only Fraenkelsweg was renamed, but also 30-50 other streets in Hamburg. At that time only the Gauleiter had the right to rename the streets.

We chose this topic because we know the school and also some of our friends go to this school. To learn more about today's Fraenkelstraße, we conducted an interview with a teacher of the Fraenkelschule.

Vishtasb, Timo, Arwin, Joseph, Xavier
Franz von Assisi Schule
Class 9

Black and white photo: Geschichtswerkstatt Heimatmuseum Barmbek e.V.

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22307 Hamburg



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